Anthony Eastman

904 days ago

BREAKING: The Hydrogen One sleaze scandal centred on David Lenigas & Disgraced Charlie Wood – a shocking read across from its little bastard brother Helium Ventures

The good news for folks like David Lenigas, Charlie Wood , Anthony Eastman and associated scumbags who paid 1p per share for Hydrogen One shares in September, is that there is almost certainly no lock-in for them when the company lists in a few days time aftewr a 10p fund raise on Aquis. That the junior market allows this is a total disgrace. How do I know this? Because of its older little bastard brother Helium Ventures (HEV) and this will shock you.


906 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: BREAKING - Equities First Holdings is back - Wandisco officially now uninvestable!

I start with good news for those who like salacious financial markets sleaze.I have been doing more digging into the David Lenigas, Charlie Wood & Anthony Eastman cesspit and this will become a series. Another installment tomorrow. And as a bonus there is a new bombshell on Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer MBE on its way. Who’s been a very naughty girl then? Then the Wandisco (WAND) shocker. I explain why today’s RNS is deceitful and why this makes the company uninvestable. Then it is onto Nanosynth (NNN), Darren Winters, The High Street Grp and a £60 million FCA mini-bond failure and finally, another villain of these pages, Colin Bird and a few thoughts on why shares in African Pioneer (AFP) may be tanking. PS I see that dodgy HK360 Limited has been forced to admit its sold its Net Zero Infrastructure (NZI) shares after yesterday’s letter to the FCA from myself. Will Net Zero now force TR1s from other shareholders who have dumped or doesn’t it care about the rules?


2635 days ago

Mila Resources - why has Anthony Eastman not gone on IMMEDIATE unpaid leave?

For the second day running shares in Mila Resources (MILA) are slipping badly. The reason is simple: the publication of a damning document by myself on Sunday regarding Citation Resources, now in administration, which suggests that Mila director Anthony Eastman may have done some very naughty things indeed.


2637 days ago

The Pete Landau A$2m heist – where does that leave Standard List Mila Resources? Uninvestable!

Earlier today I served up a shocking document from the land of high culture which exposes a $2 million heist by Pirate Pete Landau. I think it is fair to say that the Pirate is in real trouble and will not be docking his ship at the AIM casino ever again. But he is not the only chap in the spotlight as a result of this scandal.

A fellow director of Citation was Anthony Eastman and the administrators verdict on him is damning. The good news for those chaps is that, at this stage, it is deemed uncommercial to pursue them for funds ( page 4).
